Ready to Shake Off Emotional Trauma from a Toxic Relationship?

Do you long to regain your sense of self, rebuild your confidence, and cultivate a life of joy and inner harmony?
If so, our transformative program, "Reclaiming Inner Harmony" is designed specifically for you.

TOXIC Journey

You Can Change Your Whole Life!
Being scammed emotionally is the ultimate mind warp.  It's so close to home that we're driven to blame the victim. Learn how to detox from a Toxic Relationship.

04 Weeks




4 weeks. 
perfectly structurEd.


TUESDAY, MARCH 05th - 07:30 - 09:00PM EST

What is Emotional Invalidation?

Emotional invalidation is the act of dismissing or rejecting someone’s thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. It says to someone: “Your feelings don’t matter. Your feelings are wrong.” Emotional invalidation can make you feel unimportant or irrational. It can take many forms and happen at ant time. Some people use it intentionally as a tool to manipulate you by making you question your feelings. They might say something like: “I’m sure it wasn’t really that bad.”

Others might do it unintentionally by trying to cheer you up in a stressful situation. This might sound like: “Everything happens for a reason” or “It could be worse.” Though this type of emotional invalidation is done by accident with well-meaning intentions, it doesn’t make it hurt any less. 

Emotional invalidation doesn’t just have to be verbal, either. It can also involve nonverbal actions, such as rolling your eyes, ignoring the person, or playing on your phone while someone is talking. No matter how it happens, emotional invalidation can create confusion and distrust. In this class, you will learn how to recognize the signs and to know how to respond when they happen.


TUESDAY, MARCH 12th - 07:30 - 09:00PM EST

Healing is a Process

You want to go easy on yourself as you work on rebuilding your life. You'll have days where you feel like things are falling right into place; you'll have days where you won't want to get out of bed.

 However, over time, and with no contact with the toxic person, those waves will get smaller. With time, you may experience sadness around anniversaries, holidays, or birthdays. But it does get better.

Give yourself time to feel your feelings. You may feel out of control—having several emotions at once can do that. You may feel sadness, grief, relief, disappointment, anger, and even joy—and that is okay.

In this module you will be taken to the process of healing from a toxic relationship.
The goal is to have you find the inner strength to move past the hurt and develop an even stronger sense of self. Your love and appreciation will grow, as will your overall sense of well-being.


TUESDAY, MARCH 19th - 07:30 - 09:00PM EST


A co-dependent relationship is unhealthy and very disruptive to your life and the lives of those around you. Co-dependents often have a difficult time acknowledging and dealing with their feelings, and tend to repress feelings and avoid emotions like anger, hurt, sadness, and fear. This can lead to a more volatile relationship dynamic.

Co-dependency can take many different forms, including a parent-child relationship, a romantic relationship, or a friendship. When you’re in a relationship with a person who is codependent, you may feel worn down, depleted, and hurt. You may feel resentful, taken advantage of, or even worthless. You may feel as though you’ve been cheated or used, and that you can’t trust your partner.

Co-dependents are often so preoccupied with their partner’s problems and expectations that they neglect their own needs. You may find yourself isolating yourself from friends and family, or you may even feel like you have no one who understands you. If you are in a co-dependent relationship, it can be tough to break out of it. 

Co-dependents often have a hard time talking about their relationship, feeling desperate to keep the peace, and worrying that their partner will get upset, angry, or angry at them. Many of us have been in these types of relationships, and most of us feel a great sense of shame and guilt. It can seem impossible to change our codependent behavior, and after years of doing it, we may find that our self-esteem is very low. If we learn how to take care of ourselves with healthy boundaries, we can begin to rebuild our personal boundaries and self-esteem.

You will learn:
  • How to recognize what a co-dependent relationship is.
  • ​Why co-dependency is bad for you.
  • ​The difference between healthy and unhealthy co-dependency.
  • ​How to change your co-dependent behavior.
  • ​How to start healing from the pain of co-dependency.


TUESDAY, MARCH 26th - 07:30 - 09:00PM EST

How Do You Forgive Someone Who Abused You?

If you are in a relationship with someone who has hurt you, feel betrayed, and have trauma related to the assault, it can be tempting to stay in the relationship. But it's important to remember that it’s not your responsibility to save your partner from their abusive behavior. You can choose to love, forgive, and stay in the relationship while you work on getting stronger and recovering from abuse.

If you decide to leave an abusive relationship, it can be helpful to receive support from others and find a healthy way to deal with your feelings. Many abuse survivors are driven to isolate themselves or are reluctant to reach out for help, but there are many communities that provide support and resources. Remember, the decision to forgive is entirely yours and should be made in consultation with others who can help support you.

When you know that someone has hurt you, it can be incredibly difficult to forgive that person. Despite the pain and anger you are feeling, it can also be tempting to blame them for your current situation. It’s not easy to let go of resentment, shame, and anger, but if you are willing to take the first step toward forgiveness, it can free up more of the emotional energy that you need to begin your healing process.

Remember, if you are able to forgive the person who has hurt you, that means that you are no longer carrying that anger, resentment, and pain in your heart. That means you have opened yourself up to experience the love, support, and acceptance you deserve in this module.

what you will LEARN...

  • Understanding and Validation: Gain deep insights into the dynamics of toxic relationships and emotional trauma, helping you make sense of your experiences and validating your emotions.
  • Healing Strategies: Discover effective coping mechanisms, tools, and techniques to navigate the healing process. Learn practical strategies to manage triggers, regulate emotions, and cultivate self-care practices that promote inner well-being.
  • Rebuilding Self-Worth: Reclaim your self-worth and confidence through transformative exercises and self-reflection. Develop a compassionate relationship with yourself, rebuild trust, and embrace your unique strengths and qualities.
  • Resilience and Empowerment: Cultivate resilience and inner strength, empowering you to overcome the effects of emotional trauma. Gain the skills to set healthy boundaries, develop assertiveness, and create fulfilling relationships moving forward.
  • Transformation and Growth: Experience profound personal growth as you embark on a journey of self-discovery. Rediscover your passions, values, and life purpose, creating a foundation for a joyful and fulfilling future.




Don't let the scars of a toxic relationship define your future. It's time to reclaim your inner harmony, heal from emotional trauma, and create a life of empowerment and joy. Enroll in "Reclaiming Inner Harmony" today and embark on a transformative journey towards healing and personal growth.

Join us for a transformative virtual online program led by renowned expert Nancy Duarte, an esteemed former family therapist and experienced divorce coach. This live course, spanning four weeks, is specifically designed to guide you through the healing process after a toxic relationship, helping you reclaim your inner harmony and rebuild your life.

With Nancy Duarte's expertise and compassionate guidance, you will embark on a powerful journey of self-discovery, growth, and healing, all within a supportive group setting. This interactive course offers a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar experiences and challenges.

During the four-week program, you will:

  • Learn from a Leading Expert: Nancy Duarte brings her wealth of experience and expertise as a former family therapist and divorce coach. Benefit from her deep understanding of toxic relationships and her transformative approaches to healing.
  • ​Engage in Live Sessions: Experience live interactive sessions with Nancy Duarte, where she will provide valuable insights, facilitate discussions, and answer your questions. This real-time engagement ensures that you receive personalized guidance and support throughout the course.
  • Collaborate in a Supportive Group: Connect with a community of individuals who have also experienced toxic relationships. Engage in group activities, discussions, and exercises that foster understanding, empathy, and growth. Share your experiences, gain new perspectives, and provide support to fellow participants on their healing journeys.
  • ​Explore Tailored Modules: Dive into comprehensive modules designed to address the unique challenges faced when healing from emotional trauma after a toxic relationship. Each module incorporates Nancy Duarte's expertise, practical exercises, and thought-provoking reflections, allowing for deep self-reflection and growth.
  • Receive Personalized Guidance: Benefit from Nancy Duarte's personalized guidance as she helps you navigate your healing journey. Through individualized attention and compassionate support, she will assist you in identifying your specific needs, overcoming obstacles, and creating a personalized roadmap for your healing process.
  • Access Additional Resources: Gain access to a variety of supplementary resources, including recommended readings, worksheets, and guided meditations. These resources will further enhance your learning experience and support your ongoing healing journey beyond the course.



Please note that space in this live program is limited, so secure your spot early to ensure your participation. Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to embark on a transformative journey of healing and growth in the company of a renowned expert and a supportive group of individuals.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for the First Module of the Toxic Detox Program

I am writing to provide you with a professional guarantee regarding your participation in the first module of our Toxic Detox Program. I am committed to ensuring your utmost satisfaction and achieving the desired outcomes of my program. 

We value your trust and confidence in our services, which is why we offer the following guarantee:  If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with the first module of our Toxic Detox Program; we are pleased to offer you a full refund of 100% of the amount you paid. Our commitment to your satisfaction is unwavering, and we want to ensure that you feel supported and empowered throughout your detoxification journey.

We design our refund policy to be hassle-free and devoid of any complicated procedures or questions. You simply need to notify us in writing or by contacting our customer support team within 24 hours from the completion of the first module, expressing your dissatisfaction with the program. Once we receive your request, we will promptly process your refund with no additional queries. Please be assured that we will process your refund within 3 business days of your request. We strive to provide exceptional customer service and uphold the highest standards of integrity so you can have confidence in our guarantee.

Should you decide to continue with subsequent modules of the Toxic Detox Program after the first module, please note that this satisfaction guarantee is limited to the first module only. The refund does not apply to any subsequent modules or additional services offered within the program.
We are confident that our Toxic Detox Program will meet and exceed your expectations, and we look forward to serving you. However, if you have questions or feedback, please contact us. We are here to assist you in any way we can.

Thank you for choosing me as your partner on your detoxification journey. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you.


Nancy Duarte

Transformational Life/Divorce Coach

What If You’re Not a Failure? What If You’re Not Falling Behind? What If You’re Learning? “Every single thing that used to work has stopped working, all at the same time.”

Nancy Duarte Course Instructor, wrote down this phrase in her mid-fifties .
And shared it with her women clients in her therapy practice for the past 23 years. It was exactly the way Nancy was feeling many times as she faced her adversities. From childhood abandonment, domestic violence, loss of her two sons, divorce, co-parenting with a toxic ex husband abuser.
 She has been through many adversities in her life time where she will share live with you, to help you understand through her deep rooted words from her soul to yours.  It will slowly take you down the path on how you will find meaning, significance and purpose in your life regardless of your situation.
In her journey she had learnt on many of the beliefs and practices that had been useful in her life no longer worked.
 After trying—and failing—to move forward using the same old tools, she realized she required new ones: courage, curiosity, and self-compassion.

Throughout the six sessions of her creating The Naked Truth and her video series, Nancy talks about unlearning what is no longer helpful, embracing curiosity, and making peace with the unexpected twists and turns of life. She shares candidly about the challenges and blessings she has experienced and invites participants to explore what happens when we release our expectations for how we thought life would look and open ourselves up to the freedom and peace that come from choosing to be a beginner again.

Whatever you’re trying to navigate, Nancy's honest reflections offer hope for healing and encouragement to begin again. Discover that life is more about questions than answers, more about forgiveness than force, more about tenderness than trying hard.


I can't thank Nancy enough for her incredible program. Toxic detox on Zoom gave me strength and knowledge I needed to leave a harmful relationship.
Denise Brach
With Nancy's guidance, I left my toxic relationship behind and am now thriving. It's been a life-changing experience.

Grace Baines
She created safe and non-judgmental space on Zoom, Where I could share my story and gain insights from others.

Sophia Lopes
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